
Burung Indonesia carries out community-based conservation actions and collaborates with various stakeholders.

Flores Program

The Mbeliling Landscape (BAM) consists of forest areas and non-forest areas with a total area estimated at 94,000, covering five sub-districts, namely Komodo, Sano Nggoang, Mbeliling, Lembor and South Lembor in West Manggarai Regency. The forest area consists of two main forest blocks, namely Mbeliling and Sesok.

Gorontalo Program

Popayato Paguat Natural Landscape (BAPP) is located in Pohuwato and Boalemo Districts, spanning an area of ​​354,237.78 Ha. This landscape consists of rows of hills and mountains dominated by natural forests with the status of protected forest areas, production forests, limited production forests and conservation areas.

Hutan Harapan Program

Harapan Forest is the last remaining lowland tropical forest in Sumatra that represents around 20 percent of the island’s biodiversity. This forest area is the first Ecosystem Restoration concession in Indonesia. Located on the border of Jambi and South Sumatra provinces with an area of ​​98,555 hectares.

Java Program

Java Island, with an area of ​​about 128,297 km2, has many volcanoes because it is geographically part of the Sunda Volcanic Arc. Of the thirty-eight mountains that stretch across the island, twenty are in the working area of ​​Burung Indonesia: West Java.

Sumba Program

Sumba has an important position in terms of global biodiversity. The uniqueness of the ecosystem and the types of wildlife have placed Sumba Island as one of 23 Endemic Bird Areas in Indonesia. The Sumba hornbill, the Rawamanu walik and eight other bird species are not found anywhere else on earth except in Sumba. There are 24 Key Biodiversity Areas recorded on this island.

Wallacea Program

The biological wealth in the Wallacea Region has its own uniqueness that has different characteristics from individuals in the Asian and Australian regions and Papua New Guinea. Wallacea is home to 560 species, of which 254 species are marine species, including 110 endemic marine species with the categories Critical (three species) and Endangered (25 species). Of the 697 bird species in this region, 249 are endemic with various rarity statuses.