Call for Letters of Inquiry No. 4 Investment in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot

03 November, 2015

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and Burung Indonesia
Call for Letters of Inquiry No. 4
Investment in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot

Request for Proposals
1. Opening Date: Monday, 2 November 2015
2. Submission

  • Deadline: Tuesday, 1 December 2015
  • Application format: CEPF LOI Template
  • Submission method: Submit Letter of Inquiry to

3. Call for Letters of Inquiry

Burung Indonesia, in its role as Regional Implementation Team (RIT) for the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot, invites civil society organizations to submit Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for projects per the Scope of this Call, as described in Section 5, below.

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is a joint initiative of l’Agence Française de Développement, Conservation International (CI), the European Union, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan, the MacArthur Foundation, and the World Bank. A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation. More information on CEPF can be found at

CEPF’s strategy in Wallacea was formulated through a participatory process that engaged civil society, donors, and governmental stakeholders throughout the region. The result of this process is an Ecosystem Profile, a five-year strategy, running from 2015-2019, to support biodiversity conservation in the region, available at:

4. Eligible Applicants

Non-government organizations, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society organizations may apply for funding. Applications from organizations that propose to build capacity of local civil society and community groups are particularly encouraged. Projects must be located within the sites and countries identified in the Ecosystem Profile. Organizations must have their own bank account and be authorized under relevant national laws to receive charitable contributions.

Government-owned enterprises or institutions are eligible only if they can demonstrate that the enterprise or institution:

  • has a legal personality independent of any government agency or actor;
  • has the authority to apply for and receive private funds; and
  • may not assert a claim of sovereign immunity.

5. Eligible Sites and Activities

This is one of several Calls for Letters of Inquiry to be released between 2015-2019, and as such, is purposefully limited in scope.

Projects submitted in response to this call must take place in, or have a direct effect upon, geographic and species priorities within one of the following corridors:

  • Seram and Buru Marine Corridor
  • Lake Poso and Malili Lakes System
  • Flores and Solor-Alor Marine Corridor

Table 12.5 and 12.6 of the Ecosystem Profile list CEPF priority KBAs within these corridors (KBA clusters), all of which are eligible.

For projects working within these three named corridors, the projects must address at least one of the following Strategic Directions, as described in detail on pages 240-248 of the Ecosystem Profile:

  • Strategic Direction 1: Address threats to high priority species.
  • Strategic Direction 2: Improve management of sites (KBAs) with and without official protection status.
  • Strategic Direction 3: Support sustainable natural resource management by communities in priority sites and corridors.
  • Strategic Direction 4: Strengthen community-based action to protect marine species and sites.
  • Strategic Direction 5: Engage the private sector in conservation of priority sites and corridors, in production landscape, and throughout the hotspot.

As discussed in the Ecosystem Profile, not all Strategic Directions have the same relevance and applicability in all priority corridors. Applicants are advised to submit proposals that apply appropriate elements of CEPF Strategic Directions to the sites with a focus on conservation results. LOIs must address at least one Strategic Direction, but we expect that approaches and results will actually cross more than one Strategic Direction.

CEPF will give preference to proposals that will aim to deliver the most effective approach to conservation of priority sites and species. CEPF also favors projects that seek to integrate biodiversity conservation into government policies and programs and corporate practices, and to projects that will improve community livelihood opportunities.

CEPF also favors projects that facilitate collaboration between communities and government authorities resulting in improved management of either marine or terrestrial KBAs. In addition, we will favor projects that support the engagement of indigenous communities or groups using traditional practices in the management of natural resources, as well as projects that promote government recognition of such practices.

6. Budget and Timeframe

Typical grants from CEPF are for US $100,000 for between 12-30 months. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit proposals in this range, or for less money.

7. Letter of Inquiry, Full Proposal, and Award Process

Applicants are requested to submit a letter of inquiry at this time. Applicants that submit a LOI that receives a positive review will be asked to submit a full proposal. Full proposals that receive a positive review will lead to the award of a grant between Conservation International, as the home of the CEPF Secretariat, and the recipient (the “grantee”). Grants will be denominated in United States dollars and grant agreements will be in English.

8. Instructions for submitting a Letter of Inquiry

Applicants must use the CEPF letter of inquiry template referenced here.
CEPF LOI Template.
The template is also available from the CEPF Secretariat and Burung Indonesia.
Letters of inquiry must be submitted to
Letters of inquiry submitted to any other e-mail address may not receive full review.

9. Submission language

Letters of inquiry may be submitted in English or Bahasa Indonesia. However, if you are invited to submit a full proposal per Item 7 above, the full proposal must be submitted in English.

10. Reference Documents

All potential applicants should refer to the Ecosystem Profile, the LOI Form, and the following references available on the CEPF website.

  • Frequently asked questions:
  • Eligibility criteria for applicants:
  • CEPF projects database:
  • CEPF safeguard policies:
  • World Bank safeguard policies:

11. Contact

Please direct any questions or concerns to:
Further information and assistance can be obtained from:
CEPF Wallacea Regional Implementation Team, Burung Indonesia, Jl. Dadali No. 32 Bogor 16161, West Java, Indonesia, Telp. +62-251-835-7222.